80/20 Principles (More with less)

80/20 Principles (More with less)
80/20 Principles (More with less)

Understand that 80/20 Pareto distribution might just be the game changer you need in this article explained 80/20 and how it leverages in all areas of your life the 80/20 rule also known as the Pareto principle or the load the right of you is a principle that states that roughly 80% of your results are generated from 20% of your efforts right the distribution that was uncovered by an Italian economist with a pretty cool name called vilfredo pareto Pareto knows that 80% of the land Italy at the time was owned by 20% of the population he also noticed that the principle worked in his own gun 20s on the pea pods contain 80% of peas now this distribution has been proven multiple times in different contexts and in different areas in life the ratio is not always 80/20 it can be skewed sometimes it goes all the way up to like 99/1 or even bigger ratios the main idea is that small numbers are often critical and tend to produce the biggest effects amongst all areas in life now I could just read some stats that prove a twin like most YouTube channels however things will be more valuable for you if I actually show you some work examples let's do some quick math let's start with a GDP wealth distribution of the world right so I did a quick google search to find out how many countries that are in the world it turns out is 195 now if you're good at math you would know that 20% over 195 is 39 next up I went on the World Bank website to get the predicted GDP rating of the top 39 countries in the world I checked those numbers into a spreadsheet and did some quick math found out that the top 20% of the world contains 90% of the world's GDP and how's that for inequality now I live in Australia so I figured I would check the population distribution in the cities just for kicks yes we do have cities it's not just kangaroos and nice stop being ignorant although I did see a kangaroo down the street that day a guy's probably the best thing to show to give her that stereotype okay moving forth now Australia has well over 400 cities and towns with a population of approximately 25 million people in the whole country as of 2018 if we just look at a fraction let's say the top 20 cities in Australia we can see that they account for a hefty 78 percent of the population that's pretty crazy huh a similar pattern can be seen in all cities on most seas around the world how about an example a little closer to home I finessed my YouTube analytics and a little interesting thing happened I looked at my most viewed videos and the same thing happened my top 10 videos account for 73% of my views pretty much half my trans views come from one video keep in mind I have around 300 videos uploaded as of today this means 290 of my videos I count for 27% of my views what a time to be alive but I am mad though that's a 20 baby and it's everywhere so an important question to ask is why does 80/20 happen well I'll give you a little example analogy that might help you understand it the AE 20 distribution happens because of the magic of feedback loops many people who have had goldfish can test the following observation you go to the pestle right and you buy 3 eco sized goldfish a couple months go by and a three goldfish are drastically different size or what's the cause is it genetics or what's going on you're feeding one more than another No why is that well naturally when you first feed your goldfish one might have been lucky enough to get more food than the others giving it a slight advantage right so that go fish grows slightly larger than the other goldfish and next time is able to get a bit more food over time this advantage in size and ability to acquire food gets larger and more obvious until the other goldfish can barely compete you an hour left for one big old fish that eats all the food in the same way at your cousin David does at every family gathering how to leverage a 20 now that you know about the magic of a twin let's go over ways that you can optimize your life you the simple principle we'll go over examples and fitness work relationships and of course education let's get into it relationships your divorce from your wife and can only spend one day of the week with your son what do you do is it better watch TV with him for a couple of hours or is it better to go outside and do something okay think about this we forget about ninety nine percent of our lives the day-to-day shenanigans quickly disappear into the ether don't believe me can you remember what you did throughout one whole day about a month ago no we only remember things of significance such as going away on trips or your sister's wedding now back to your son if your goal is to optimize your relationship with him you're probably better off going fishing with him or shooting a few hoops in the park these things are going to be the 20% that equal a piece of the memories that he remembers of you education I remember having a project management class with my engineering degree our summer was to do a presentation in front of the whole class a couple of my friends spent weeks and hours researching for the assignment come due day or they presented was a dense and boring death by power slide I was to present a week after I decided to take a different approach I looked at the assignment criteria I noticed that presentation skills such as eye contact and vocal tonality scored high I also remember the professor telling us that our slides should be simple and not so dense so my team and I decided to focus on a simple and yet entertaining presentation I've got to the point quickly and gave a lot of value we also didn't use palm cards and remember that speech is making them far more engaging we spent a total of eight hours practicing and doing our presentation and we got the highest mark in the class this is all because we leveraged 80/20 we worked smarter not harder work Christian and Sally work as sales department Christian is the pencil pusher he does all the work that's been delegated to him by his boss when colleagues ask for help he's quick to help them all this running around doesn't leave much time for Christian to do his cold calls so he hasn't been able to get the promotion that he's desperately one of the past because he hasn't been able to achieve the sales quota now Sally she barely responds to her emails unless they're critical emails she doesn't have time to chitchat with their colleagues she spends all her time chasing down clients cold calling Sally has been able to procure a six-figure client for a bar and it wasn't very happy the boss looks past all the tasks that she didn't complete and is very happy about the six-figure client and gives that promotion Christiane sits in the corner looking like Smeagol green with envy his problem was that he thought or tasks were of equal weighting he did not focus on a 20% that produced a beeps on the results like Sally did Fitness two best friends decide to join the gym and build some juicy muscles and make the king of Minecraft while the boys train six times a week and focuses on isolating each muscle with specialized movements it does an hour of cardio after every work and hopes of getting ripped he works at for an average of 12 hours per week the second boy takes a more minimalistic approach he does full body workouts trains three times a week focusing on heavy compound exercises that stimulate his whole body he does carry only two times a week and prepares to do high-intensity interval training such as hill sprints he works at an average of four hours per week so the question is who will achieve their goals faster well the second boy will he will make more gains because he puts in all his effort into the twin of things that result in apes and the results so spending twelve hours in the gym like his friend he stimulates his body effectively and efficiently and gives it plenty of time to rest and hence grows quicker to maximize your efficiency in life you must always be looking for a 20% I'll give you the 8% on your result when you find these things double down on them make them your primary focus as Tim Ferriss suggests always ask yourself what is the one thing that I can do today that will make everything else irrelevant it might be coke calling your customer it might be eliminating soda drink from your diet you have to find your way and the best way to do this is to eliminate different things and see the results eliminate different variables in your life and see what happens when there's one thing that you illuminate and your results suffer Drew matically you know that's your 20% now your immediate 20% right now is to subscribe to this website they'll give you eight percent results so this is the end of the website you must have really liked it if you go this far I'm right yeah right okay if you liked it please click subscribe and hit the post notifications because blog is doing this weird thing right now where if you subscribe does let me show you what article very strange for in strange.